
Omnify Hotspot has launched

20 March 2019

It's time to celebrate! We're really excited to unveil our brand new product Omnify Hotspot!

Omnify Hotspot is a virtual router to turn your PC into a Wi-Fi hotspot and repeater. The feature set is extensive and includes bridge mode, network traffic monitoring, and an advertisement blocker. It's convenient, easy to use, and light on system resources. In addition, even more features are planned.

You can download it now from our website.
Fancy more features? You can get a license in our shop.

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Driver Fusion 7.0

5 March 2019

We're pleased to announce the release of Driver Fusion 7.0. With this release, we've made it possible to switch between features without having to start over. Please send your comments and suggestions to us, we like to read and use them!


Driver Fusion will now remember the state of your opened features. For example, you no longer have to recheck for issues in health check after you've switched to device control and can immediately return to the results you were looking at. Switching between features can take some time to render if there's a lot of content loaded, such as the results from driver cleaner.


The scheduler will no longer show a fixed popup at the bottom right corner but instead use an automatically closing Windows notification. On Windows 10, this notification will not be shown if you've enabled Focus Assist. Futhermore, you can change in the settings which issues you want the scheduler to check for.

Health check

You can uncheck any of the three issue categories again before you're checking for issues.

Device control

The time required to load devices is greatly reduced and is now completed within a second on most systems. Other features that use devices, such as health check and driver cleaner, also benefit from this change.

Driver cleaner

The cleanable drivers received new entries to be up-to-date with their latest versions. Searching for entries also take less time, which is especially noticeable for drivers with many possible entries. In addition, we've added support for cleaning UWP apps on Windows 10.

Driver backup

We've improved support for backing up Universal Windows drivers, which enable developers to create a single driver package that runs across multiple different device types, from embedded systems to tablets and desktop PCs.

High-DPI scaling improvements

Support for per-monitor scaling has been added and we've increased the rendered resolution of most icons.

.NET Framework

Starting with this release, you need to have at least .NET Framework 4.7.2 installed. Almost everyone will have it installed through Windows Update or otherwise, but if not, then our installer can automatically download and install it for you.

What else?

We've added support for more devices in device monitor and the issues that you've reported have all been fixed.

Driver Fusion 6.2

1 November 2018

We're excited to announce the release of Driver Fusion 6.2. With this release, we've improved various areas based on your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to us, we like to read and use them!


Driver Fusion will now remember and reopen your last used feature. We've also added a description to the toggle switches to make their state clearer.
Furthermore, you'll now immediately receive visual feedback when you enter invalid data in the account and activation dialogs.


The follow us button is now always visible to make it easier for you to unlock the corresponding Steam achievement.


The number of officially supported interface languages has been slightly reduced. Driver Fusion will continue to detect the files located in the languages folder, so you can still add your own translations.

Treexy & Steam account

If you sign in, or out, Driver Fusion no longer reloads the current feature and automatically updates the content instead.


The start-up time has been reduced and the overall responsiveness has improved.


The scheduler can now be added to, and executed on, multiple Windows user accounts.

Driver cleaner

The cleanable drivers received new entries to be up-to-date with their latest versions.

What else?

The issues that you've reported have all been fixed.

Driver Fusion 6.1

8 August 2018

We're pleased to announce the release of Driver Fusion 6.1. With this release, we've improved various areas based on your feedback. Please send your comments and suggestions to us, we like to read and use them!

System restore

Restore points are now created with a more detailed description so you can find out which feature in Driver Fusion it was created for.

Driver backup

A driver that has been localized will now, if available, also backup files from languages other than your Windows language. This makes it easier for you to use your backups after you've changed your system language.

Driver cleaner

The cleanable drivers received new entries to be up-to-date with their latest versions. Intel's display adapter driver received the largest number of new entries.

Treexy & Steam account

Driver Fusion will no longer sign you out if you make changes that affect your internet connection, such as updating network drivers. A number of features will be limited, or unavailable, as they rely on working internet.

What else?

We've added support for more devices in device monitor, reduced the total memory usage, and the issues you've reported have been fixed.

Driver Fusion 6.0

6 June 2018

We're thrilled to announce the release of Driver Fusion 6.0. In this release, we've added a dark theme and made optimizations in a lot of areas. Please send your comments and suggestions to us and we hope you enjoy it!

Dark theme

We've added a dark theme to help ease your eyes. To switch to the new theme, simply open settings and select the dark theme. Driver Fusion will automatically use your default app mode on Windows 10, but you can also override it in the settings.

Memory usage

The amount of memory used by Driver Fusion has been greatly reduced. This will help users run Driver Fusion on machines with a small amount of available memory.

Driver cleaner

The cleanable drivers received new entries to be up-to-date with their latest versions.

What else?

The issues that you've reported have all been fixed.

Driver Fusion 5.6

5 April 2018

We're excited to announce the release of Driver Fusion 5.6. With this release, we’re expanding your options to take control over driver installations from Windows. Please send your comments and suggestions to us, we like to read and use them!

Windows driver installations

We've added an option in advanced settings to prevent automatic installation of drivers for specific devices. This will block driver installations for the device on your entire system, including Windows Update, device manager, and third-party installers. All driver installations made through Driver Fusion are unaffected. Together with the option to change the driver installation behavior from Windows Update, you now have full control over driver installations.

New website and logos

The links used in Driver Fusion have been updated to reflect our brand new website. We've also added a new logo for Driver Fusion.

Driver cleaner

Experienced users can now select and deselect all entries from a category by right-clicking on the category header.

.NET Framework

Starting with this release, you need to have at least .NET Framework 4.6.2 installed. Almost everyone will have it installed through Windows Update or otherwise, but if not, then our installer can automatically download and install it for you. This newer .NET Framework version enables us to support longer file paths and its performance is also improved.

What else?

The issues that you've reported have been fixed, such as the issue that some devices aren't correctly identified as disconnected on Windows 7.

Brand new website

29 March 2018

Welcome to our brand new website! We're excited to unveil our new look and we hope you enjoy it.

Our website has been completely redesigned and it allows you to quickly discover why you should choose Treexy and our products. It will also enable us to help you in the best way possible.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please send them our way.

Driver Fusion 5.5

30 January 2018

We're pleased to announce the release of Driver Fusion 5.5. With this release, we’re providing a major update to Driver Fusion and its web service. Please send your comments and suggestions to us, we like to read and use them!

Health check

You can now search for drivers that typically require a deeper understanding of drivers. For example, storage controller drivers were never searched for and you would need to download drivers for these devices through device control. This change is opt-in, you first need to enable these drivers by accessing the search options on top.

Furthermore, you can now delete all disconnected devices - also known as unused, ghosted or phantom devices - in health check. The number of these devices continues to grow after you've used Windows for a while, and this can reduce your boot time and the loading time of your devices. If you've deleted a device and ever reconnect it again then Windows will still automatically install it for you.


Much like antivirus software runs periodic scans of your system, you can now run periodic scans of issues in health check as well. This automated feature is convenient and gives you peace of mind, as all you ever have to do is fix the issues whenever Driver Fusion tells you an issue is detected. A check is performed every two weeks by default, but you can choose from four different intervals in the settings.

Web service

If you scan for driver updates in Driver Fusion, it will now detect drivers a lot faster (nearly four times as fast!). The number of drivers that can be found has also been doubled for most computers. We've also improved which drivers are suggested, giving you not only access to newer drivers, but also how these drivers are matched against your devices. Previously, a driver that originated from another manufacturer could've been suggested (this is also done by Microsoft's Windows Update and competitor products). We're now actively filtering these generic drivers out. This ensures that you receive better drivers.

We continue to check all drivers before we make them available, in order to provide you with drivers that are safe and working correctly. A driver that isn't up to our standards will not be suggested by Driver Fusion.

In device identifier you will find results that are more closely related to your devices. This is very noticeable for devices that are closely related to each other, such as GPUs that are merely rebadged.

Driver cleaner

We've added a percentage while loading the software and driver entries, in order to make it easier for you to find out how long it will take. The entries that can be cleaned have been updated to include the latest driver versions, such as AMD's Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition and NVIDIA's display drivers.

Device control

The list of devices is now automatically reloaded once a change has been detected, including changes made outside of Driver Fusion. For example, if you connect a device to your computer then device control will automatically reload the devices. The time required to reload has also been greatly reduced. Furthermore, we've increased the number of suggested online drivers.

What else?

Driver Fusion's memory usage has been slightly reduced and the issues you've reported have been fixed.

Driver Fusion 5.1

23 November 2017

We're thrilled to announce the release of Driver Fusion 5.1. In this release, we've worked on a lot of varied areas, making your experience with Driver Fusion better. Please send your comments and suggestions to us, we like to read them. We hope you enjoy Driver Fusion 5.1!


To provide a localized experience for everyone around the world, we've greatly improved the quality of the supported languages. Our translators have been hard at work to make sure that the majority is now correctly translated. If you are keen on having Driver Fusion translated into your own language, or if you want to improve it, please contact us.

Steam account

Driver Fusion now integrates seamlessly with Steam and uses their authentication system to sign you in. This will significantly reduce the number of steps that are required to get started, as you no longer have to activate it with a third party key. All third party keys that have been given out by Steam will be revoked once we are sure that everyone received the update through Steam.

Driver cleaner

We've always relied on predefined processes and services, that need to be stopped, in order to clean driver entries that are still in use. This works great, until you have something installed that isn't on this list. Driver cleaner is now able to detect which processes and services are using an entry and will automatically stop them before the entry gets cleaned. The stopped processes and services will be restarted once the entry has been cleaned.

.NET Framework and operating systems support

Starting with this release, you need to have at least .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed. Almost everyone will have it installed through Windows Update or otherwise, but if not, then our installer can automatically download and install it for you. This is also the first version that no longer supports Windows XP and Windows Vista. You can continue to use Driver Fusion 5.0 if you rely on these operating systems. The content service behind Driver Fusion will continue to work with it for the foreseeable future.

What else?

We've added support for more devices - along with additional information - in device monitor. The issues you've reported have been fixed and the start up time has been reduced. Furthermore, you can now easily invite a friend to Driver Fusion.

Driver Fusion 5.0

22 September 2017

We’re pleased to present Driver Fusion 5.0! It’s been a while, but we’ve been working hard on bringing you this update. Our mission was to improve the performance, stability, usability and the offered features. You can read the highlights of these improvements below. We hope you like this version as much as we do!

Interface and usability

We’ve been focusing our efforts on improving the interface and it’s usability and have redesigned almost everything. It’s still familiar to previous versions, so you won’t have to learn from scratch. An important highlight, by popular request, is that you can now search, filter and sort through content, almost everywhere! But that’s not all, it’s also possible to use Driver Fusion 5.0 with just your keyboard. We’ve added focus hints to all controls to make it easy to see where the current focus is. You’ll see how nifty all these changes are once you start using them.

Health check

Up until now, there were two categories for downloading drivers; missing drivers and outdated drivers. As they did almost the same work, they have been combined into driver update. If you’re checking for driver updates, clarity is essential. We’ve been receiving a lot of feedback on why Driver Fusion is recommending certain drivers. Whenever a recommended driver is not undeniably clear, it will now add an explanation. Still having doubts? Feel free to contact us and we’ll help you out. At times you want to take a closer look at a device or its driver. You can now go directly to the device or its driver in device control. Another frequently requested feature we’ve added is that each recommended issue can now be fixed on its own. Don’t worry, you can still fix all issues at once.

Device control

Starting with Windows Vista, there’s additional information available about a device or a driver. This information was already used throughout Driver Fusion and has now been added to device control. All available information – including the identifier – is now accessible immediately after selecting a device. Driver Fusion 5.0 also ships with several other important improvements to device control. If you want to install a driver it now includes compatible drivers from Windows’ driver store. For experts, we’ve also added the ability to uninstall a driver from Windows’ driver store. The driver signature verification is also significantly improved, both the results and the performance (on average a driver is now verified twice as fast).

Device monitor

If you want to monitor your devices, Driver Fusion has always given you a variety of options to do so. The current sensor values are great for getting insight into your devices, but sometimes you want to visualize past performance as well. In Driver Fusion 5.0, we’ve added a graph – for each device – for the available sensor values. It’s super flexible, and will allow you to add just the sensors you want to display. We’ve also added additional information about each device, such as the socket of your processor, the BIOS version of your motherboard, and the reallocated sector count of your hard disks.

Driver cleaner

Need to clean up old drivers or install a new driver? All drivers received new entries to be up-to-date with their latest versions. We’ve also added support to clean the device itself and entries from the task scheduler and Windows’ driver store. Several new drivers have also been added, including NVIDIA’s GeForce Experience software. In Driver Fusion 5.0 we separated entries that are shared between certain drivers. While cleaning those drivers – such as NVIDIA’s display driver and NVIDIA’s GeForce Experience – you can now decide whether you want to include their shared entries. We’ve also added a hint when drivers are combined by the manufacturer to support multiple devices, such as Logitech’s keyboard and mouse drivers.


Sometimes you want to view or restore an operation you’ve performed in Driver Fusion. Our goal for Driver Fusion 5.0 was to create an easy to use – and complete – history of almost anything you can do. Whether you clean a driver or disable a device, you don’t have to worry anymore about the outcome as you can always undo the operation. In most cases, you want to restore the entire operation. Operations that are merely collection of other operations, such cleaning a driver, can also be restored separately. We’ve also visualized if the operations you performed succeeded.

In driver cleaner: some installers cannot be restored because they are missing on your computer. This is not a limitation of Driver Fusion but due to how Windows or these installers are set-up. You can manually download the installer again.

Settings and data

It’s good to have choices, like the ability to change the default preferences of Driver Fusion. In Driver Fusion 5.0 we’ve changed a few default preferences to their expected value. We’ve also combined several settings and – where applicable – extended their functionality throughout the entire application. A diagnostics report for troubleshooting can now be created from the general settings.

To benefit from Windows’ file protection, Driver Fusion will now store its data in different folders. Data that can be shared among all users, such as driver backups, is written to the ProgramData folder. User-specific data, such as your settings, is written to the local AppData folder. This change also enables you to use Driver Fusion in multi-user environments without having to share your settings with everyone. If you want to override this behavior and have Driver Fusion store its data in the installation folder, you have to start Driver Fusion using the --p argument. This does not apply to the Steam edition, data will continue to be stored in the steamapps\common folder in order to utilize Steam Cloud.

Operating systems support

Driver Fusion 5.0 will be the last update for Windows XP and Windows Vista. Microsoft itself ended support for Windows XP in 2014 and Windows Vista in the beginning of 2017. Unsupported operating systems receive no security updates, have known exploits, and can be dangerous to use. You can continue to use this version of Driver Fusion if you rely on these operating systems. The content service behind Driver Fusion will continue to work for the foreseeable future. We have disabled automatic updates on these operating systems. You do not need to do anything else.


You play an important role in making Driver Fusion better. We welcome your feedback on this version, as well as any ideas you might have. Please contact us on our website.